Trees, rocks, and even weeds can provide you with resources, so don't overlook anything.This will help you build tools and furniture, as well as help you progress in the game.Once you've gathered enough materials, you should build tools like an axe and shovel.These will help you clear paths, break rocks, and dig holes - all actions that will make it easier for you to explore. The world is full of breathtaking scenery, unique characters, and hidden treasures to uncover.The minute you arrive on your island, you'll likely feel the urge to start exploring right away.Don't give in just yet, as there are a few things you should do first to make your exploration experience a little easier on you.The first thing you should do is gather all the materials you can find.

:Welcome to the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons! If you're new to the game, you're in for a treat.In this game, you get to create your own island paradise from scratch, complete with your own personalized home, fun activities, and charming animal villagers.However, getting started can be a bit overwhelming, which is why we've put together this post to help guide you in exploring your island, creating the perfect home, and getting to know your animal neighbors.So, let's jump right in and discover all the fun that Animal Crossing has to offer!Exploring Your IslandExploring Your Island can be one of the most exciting experiences in the game.